About Us

The Mauritius Co-operative Alliance Limited was established in July 2016 as the Apex organization as per provision made at Section 7 of the Co-operatives Act 2016  and to represent the  co-operative movement at national and international level.

The MCA Ltd. has international recognition by being affiliated to the International Co-operative Alliance.

The MCA Ltd. is open to all co-operative federations which are represented by one delegate. The society is managed by a board of directors consisting of seven elected members and government nominees.


The MCA Ltd. promotes the economic interests of its members and more particularly:

a) To act as the mouthpiece of the movement at national and international level

b) To represent and defend the general interest of its members and work to uplift their economic interest, at regional and international level

c) To promote cooperation among co-operative societies and encourage co-operative development

d) To ensure adoption of good governance practices and ethical conduct in co-operative societies

e) To promote the principles and philosophy of co-operatives and to indulge in providing internal control services to co-operative societies

f) To carry out all such acts as are necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of any or all of the aforesaid objects.

g) To indulge in income generating activities for the attainment of its objectives


Supporting a modern o-operative movement with sound, diversified and autonomous organizations operating for the lifting of standard of living of its members.


Facilitating and assisting the development of co-operatives through
the creation and provision of favourable and conducive legal and institutional environment together with adequate support and incentives

Sources of finance

  1. Yearly Government Grant in Aid of Rs 2,415,000
  2. Generates income from the following:
    • Sale of prescribed books
    • Book keeping and internal control services to co-operative societies/federations
    • Management of sales point at Rose Hill (Centre Agro Alimentaire) for the sale of co-operative products