Services Provided

  • Sale of prescribed books and documents to co-operative societies
  • Assistance to co-operative societies in updating their accounts and in the preparing of Final Accounts and Balance Sheet
  • Providing Internal Control Services to co-operative societies/ federations
  • Advocacy
  • Education through the holding of workshops on issues related to co-operative matters
  • Promotion of the co-operative concept through the organization of workshops, seminars and training programs
  • Management of a Centre Co-operative Agro Alimentaire of Rose Hill for the marketing of co-operative products
  • Facilitating training programs overseas for co-operators
  • Celebration of international events
  • Facilitation of international linkages with co-operative organizations

Core Services Offered

  1. Bookkeeping services to co-operative societies and federations against the payment of a nominal fee. The advantage of availing to such a service is that the society benefits from a refund in the form of a grant to half the amount charged up to a maximum of Rs3,000 from the Ministry of Industrial Development, SMEs and co-operatives through the Co-operative Development Fund (CDF).
  2. Internal Control Services to co-operative societies and federations against a nominal fee and the same advantage applies as for the bookeeping service.
    Beneficiaries of the grant need, however, submit certain documents to the Ministry which include inter-alia:

    • Application Form from the Ministry of Industrial Development, SMEs and Co-operatives giving full details of applicant and financial assistance applied for
    • A copy of Minutes of Proceedings of the meeting where approval has been obtained for availing of the services of the MCA Ltd. for internal control or bookkeeping services and for applying for assistance under the scheme
    • A statement from the MCA Ltd. confirming that the internal control report has been submitted to the co-operative society and to the Registrar or that the book keeping exercise has been carried out and that a copy of the Financial Statements has been submitted to the society and to the Registrar of Co-operatives.
    • The amount charged by the MCA Ltd. to the co-operative society for carrying out the internal control or bookkeeping exercise has been clearly specified
    • A Declaration duly signed by the President and the Secretary accompanied by the seal of the society to certify that all information mentioned in the form is true and that the society is not under any inquiry or involved in any case of conflict.
  • Sale of prescribed books at reasonable prices for all types of co-operatives.

It is imperative to bear in mind that a society may avail of only one service, that is either internal control or book keeping and not both .